Snorkel or Scuba?
As parents and educators, we have two BIG jobs: challenge our kids to learn deeply and equip them with a skillset to persevere through the challenge.

Three Things.
We all want our kids to grow. How do we expand their skill sets? Where do I jump in and where do I stay hands off? I have three guidelines, and they apply to any age and stage.

Up Your Game
It all began with my own frustration. I was done asking, “How was your day?” and getting, “Fine,” as a response. Of course I would prod for more, following up with, “Did you learn anything?” To which they would shrug their shoulders.

The Struggle is Real
Our classrooms need to create just enough space for kids to do the work, engage in the productive struggle, and build a deep understanding that they can apply from now on. Read on to explore the what and why of productive struggle…

Who’s Driving?
Who drives the learning in a classroom? As educators, how do we ensure that the kids are doing the talking and thinking so they drive their own learning?

Where Imperfection Hangs Out
Want your kids to embrace challenge and work hard at learning? Failures are an inevitable part of the messy growth process. When we lean into imperfection, we can normalize failure and connect more authentically with each other.

Chasing Learning
Aren’t I the TEACHER? Shouldn’t I TELL them what they are going to learn today? Teachers teach. Students learn. Isn’t that the process?

The Next Shell
We can never have enough tools for coaching kids from their comfort zone to their growth zone. This week, we took a lighthearted approach to the serious work of cultivating confidence.