When students are self-motivated, the benefits are clear.
higher standardized test scores
reduced teacher burnout
stronger classroom management
increased learning retention
increased student effort and agency
higher teacher evaluation ratings
balanced, healthy approach to challenge
Higher test scores
While it’s impossible to measure our kids with a single number, test scores can tell a story. See student growth in our classrooms compared to other classrooms with similar student populations. Our students’ effort results in more growth over one school year.
Reduced teacher burnout
We can’t learn for our students. They need to want it for themselves. Shifting the cognitive load and drive from the teacher to the student builds self-motivated learners. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Stronger classroom management
When students shift from dependent to independent learners, they are energized and intrinsically motivated to challenge themselves. Our intentional coaching language empowers teachers to build a classroom culture brimming with autonomy, agency, and connection. It all begins with our WORDS!
Increased Learning Retention
Every year time is spent reviewing and re-learning. But what if our kids held onto that learning in the first place? When students focus on process over speed and prioritize understanding over completion - that’s a recipe for success!
Increased Effort and Agency
We want classrooms where there is shared responsibility. We train teachers to set structures, and more than that, students need to demonstrate ownership for managing class expectations and inclusivity. Students as self-driven learners initiate and engage in discussions, set goals, and are willing to work hard to ensure they deeply understand.
Higher teacher evaluation ratings
Teaching Standards point to student-centered learning. With autonomous learners, teachers and administrators can be confident that their teachers score high on evaluation rubrics developed by each state. We work with administrators and teachers in how to converse about, use, and find evidence for those distinguished ratings.
Balanced, healthy approach to challenge
When students develop a growth mindset, mistakes are learning opportunities, not failure. As they drive their own decision making, that realize that sense of control is empowering. Students no longer see challenge as stressful - they know that’s how they grow!