Choose To Grow




  • CASEL-aligned lessons empower students to become stronger learners through SEL

  • Designed by teachers for teachers, lessons are low-prep and high-impact

  • 10-minute lesson structures with activities that maximize student engagement, agency, and connection across class community

  • Micropractices integrate SEL and academics, empowering students to build sustainable and positive SEL habits through the school day

  • No-prep slide deck and digital teacher’s guide provided for each lesson

What makes Choose To Grow unique?

  • Teacher Efficacy

    Teachers participate in two hours of training so they can plan how to use our flexible curriculum to best meet their students’ needs. Key ideas and background information are included in each lesson so teachers develop their own SEL competence and content knowledge.

  • Emotional Regulation Through Academic Learning

    During CTG lessons, students learn how and why self-awareness, self-regulation, and responsible decision-making matter. Through the day, SEL skills are practiced so they become positive habits in service of deeper learning. CTG’s simple goal-setting, accountability tools, and teacher language suggestions empower teachers to elevate their expectations.

  • Neuroscience in Action

    Students actively engage in learning when they understand how their brain grows when they challenge themselves or reflect on informative mistakes. Knowing that a deep, calming breath relaxes their amygdala and puts their pre-frontal cortex back in charge - that’s a game-changer for kids, too. CTG is all about neuroscience in service of learning and emotional regulation.

  • Formative Data

    Students complete a brief formative assessment each week to help teachers monitor learning, inform instructional decisions, and provide a portfolio that shows evidence of student growth over time.

CTG Curriculum Components

CTG’s modular curriculum is organized into 4 units. We suggest starting with Connection and then aligning other units to best meet your campus needs.

CTG Teacher Guides are digital instructional manuals that help teachers learn the research surrounding social-emotional learning and grade-specific strategies for lesson implementation. Teachers will feel organized, focused, and prepared to effectively integrate academics and SEL in their classrooms.

Teacher’s Guide

CTG Daily Slide Decks are digital presentations that align with each lesson’s skill focus. Designed to be a shared whole class learning experience, the presentations offer students an opportunity to explore visual models, photos, and text that support lesson retention. Each day’s slides include a clear learning goal, interactive activity, and close.

Daily Slide Decks

CTG newsletters communicate to families about the social-emotional skills that students are learning and practicing at school. With unique content for K-2, 3-5, and 5-8, family newsletters include conversation prompts, guided reflections, and literature suggestions. This tool encourages SEL growth beyond the school setting and provides families the opportunity to develop and model their own SEL skills.

School-to-Home Connection