“They gave me the tools to become self-aware. I was less stressed, and with that pressure off, I had the freedom to explore my learning - I was excited and curious to try hard for myself. That I have carried with me.” - Avery Deithloff, former student and current senior in high school
“They do high level thinking and my daughter comes home with deep discussion points every week. It's amazing. I don't know how they do it. It's a really big class, but the teachers create a space where the kids all work together.” -- parent
“I've seen her grow in her understanding and retaining learning, as well as in her confidence and pride in her work. More importantly, I see a major increase in a sense of calm in her, which tells me that she feels good and comfortable with her learning and environment. The best!” — parent
“C has shown a growing interest in reading, and her comprehension & problem solving skills are significantly improving. She has also shown growth in empathy, emotional regulation and her ability to communicate her needs more effectively.” - parent
“He has grown tremendously and that is seen through reflections about not only his work, but self-reflection which has boosted his confidence.” - parent
“You have coached her to use the word ‘yet’ instead of ‘I can't do this.’ I myself can't do that yet!” — parent
“I think P has actually realized that he needs and in fact craves a challenge. He still has fears to take on things that he knows/thinks may not come easily to him but now will take more of those risks.” — parent
“After leaving your classroom, my child was able to navigate the world of online learning autonomously, then move on to in-person middle school with ease. She took with her the ability to share her thoughts and opinions while being respectful of the opinions of others. More importantly, she thrived in your classroom because she felt seen and cared for, something we will always be grateful for.” — parent